Why is it always Daddy?
There is a meme that is making it's way around the internet it goes something like this" I carried you for nine months was in labour for hours couldn't sleep properly for almost a year and your first word is Dada. I completely laugh cried when I saw this, because it's so true, and as those children get older it seems they are always asking for Daddy. Especially, my baby. I will admit though that my middle and oldest are momma's boys, just not in the bad can't function without me way, but they prefer mom, so why can't the little one just give me a little of that wanting? Yesterday's blog mentioned how I was writing more and building my writing skills as well as my photography skills, so that's where this blog comes from. Teddy and I were home alone, husband and Lil Man had gone out for the morning to husband's work and that left Teddy and I to hang out together. Oh the tantrum he threw when he had to stay home and have qualit...