Grad 2017
Oh the Places They will Go! Twelve years ago these same students walked in front of their parents at a Kindergarten Grad Ceremony, celebrating that they learned their ABCs, their numbers to 10 and how to share and care for one another. After a lot of hard work, social structuring in their peer groups, this group of students gets to say that they graduated, they put in the work and they are about to leave high school behind them. Never again in their life will they feel a triumph like this (unless of course they go to become a doctor and do another 12 years of schooling in a row). This is a time in their life that they can look back on and know they made it, they are on the precipices of adulthood. Those carefree days of no bills, no responsibilities are falling behind them faster than they realize. But it's not all bad, a plethora of opportunities is opening before them. They have the first piece of paper they need to move forward in the res...