31 Day Blog Challenge

I am building new habits in 2018, one of those habits is to write a blog for every day of the week.  I know I haven't done this in the past at best I've been a Monday to Friday blogger, but I've had a change of heart, because casual blogging is not getting me the results I want so now I will start with 31 days of blogging.  Happy January 1, 2018!  I am going to spread this into February too, only because there are a few things happening in January and through the Christmas break that I want to share as well so I am going to leave 5 days in January free for me to blog about other things!

Here is the blog list I will be following! I am excited to get these written and share them with you.  Also I am writing this a bit earlier than they are being posted so I can build in some self editing.

This is me!! I'm actually in my PJs in this shot hahaha.  My next blog will be 20 basic facts about me, but for now I will let you know my name is Jennifer Louise.  I am married, a mother and a teacher. All these definitions are important to me in my life, but I am not just one, all three make up the whole!

What are some challenges you've put yourself in?  Have you ever tried to blog for 31 days in a row?
Leave me a comment below, and Share on Social Media!!! Happy New Years Everyone!!!


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