Well now that I caught up on the PEI trip......
It's time to talk about the rest of the month of June. It was a rainy month until the end and now it's been nice out. It almost seems like, shhh don't say this too loudly, summer is here and it's looking nice. (knock on wood)
Little Man had caught a cold while in PEI and it has taken him all month to get rid of the darn thing. I had to take him to the doctor twice and once was a middle of the night visit to the hospital. Thankfully the antibiotics have kicked in and he's my happy little guy again. For awhile he was absolutely miserable and was not happy unless he was attached to my hip. It made getting things done a little difficult. It also spoiled our work with getting him into a bedtime routine. We almost had it, but then he was sick and I am a softy and let him snuggle with us and sleep in our bed. Ooops... now it's back to square one of getting him to sleep on his own in his own bed... but I have determined that I am more stubborn than he is.
We had a wedding to go to in the middle of the month. Adrian's friend Ty got married. It was a pleasant ceremony and the venue was gorgeous. They got married out at Popovich's Dinner Theater and Wedding Facility. The staff was gracious and the food delish!!! It was a nice time. Little Man and Chan were both well behaved, even if Adrian got a little out of hand. Just kidding, Adrian was good all day until he forgot to drop off the wedding card. Note to self, never let a man who has been drinking all day with his buddies drop off the wedding card, even if he says he can do it, because it's likely he won't.
I also took Little Man swimming for the first time. He had a lot of fun. He didn't really swim in the water but he crawled around and splashed himself and I. Chan did some dives off the diving board, he went off the high board once then he didn't do it again. I caught some action shots of him doing front flips off the low diving board though. I think both boys had a great time.
This last weekend in June was not as busy, yet it seemed more busy. I had a jewellery show to do on Saturday. It was a lot of fun, if I could just start getting more and more shows then I could do my Fifth Avenue as a business, but it's hard and I am not that driven right now. But I will keep it going as a side business for me to earn some extra cash. Saturday night we went to a Buccaneers game. It was fun watching my brother play football. He came close to making two tackles while we were there. I know he wished he would have made them, but he seemed to play well. Sunday was a work at home day. We stained the garden and the deck steps. I replanted some flowers for my front walk. Adrian hauled dirt to level out our backyard. All in all we accomplished a lot. We also had friends over for a barbecue then it was time to go to bed.
Little Man had caught a cold while in PEI and it has taken him all month to get rid of the darn thing. I had to take him to the doctor twice and once was a middle of the night visit to the hospital. Thankfully the antibiotics have kicked in and he's my happy little guy again. For awhile he was absolutely miserable and was not happy unless he was attached to my hip. It made getting things done a little difficult. It also spoiled our work with getting him into a bedtime routine. We almost had it, but then he was sick and I am a softy and let him snuggle with us and sleep in our bed. Ooops... now it's back to square one of getting him to sleep on his own in his own bed... but I have determined that I am more stubborn than he is.
It's been a relaxing and busy month at the same time. Most days have been very low key but when they were busy, my oh my were we running our butts off.
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